Owner: Robert Warner (205) 602-4301 490 Stillwell Rd. Springfield, GA 31329-4603
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DIY Small Hive Beetle Trap - This is the tray and screen only!
10 Frame Beehive Starter Set
Gravity Honey Extractor Set
> 10 Frame cypress Beehive Starter Set Lite
Beehive Starter Set Lite
10 Frame cypress Beehive Starter Set Lite
This item is currently out of stock!
Product Description
Our Beehive Starter Set Lite is the same set-up as the Stantdard Starter Set; except you get 2 mediums and one deep super instead of 2 deeps and one medium.
IPK Small Hive Beetle Trap Assembled and Painted
DIY Small Hive Beetle Trap - This is the tray and screen only!
10 Frame Beehive Starter Set
10 Frame Starter Set Lite
8 Frame Backyard Beekeeper Set Fully Assembled
Telescoping Cover Insulated to R-5 For 10 Frame Hives
R-2 8 Frame Telescoping Top
Inner Cover / Hive Top Feeder
Deep Frames Assembled
Medium Frames Assembled
10 frame Deep Super Painted with frames
10 frame Medium Super Assembled & Painted with frames
8 Frame Deep Super Assembled & Painted with Frames
8 Frame Medium super assembled and painted with frames
Beehive Stand
Gravity Honey Extractor Set
Frame Holder
Pine Entrance Reducer
Auto 9 Frame Spreader
GB Bee Veil
GB Beekeeping Tool Set
Raw Cotton
Turtleneck shirt
Goatskin Beekeeping Gloves
Queen Excluder
Solar Wax Melter Set
Outdoor Observation Hive
Nuc Set
Mite Count Board - Reusable
The Victor- Thermal treatment for Varroa mites with NO chemicals
Varroa mite count test kit
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